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Wednesday, June 01, 2011


I drove over to Forbes Mill this morning after a 7 minute dump run around the neighborhood. During our first loop I took my iPhone with the new GPS measurement application I downloaded to get an idea of the actual length of the course. I have always felt that the estimate of 2.7 was generous and now I know it to be true. By the time we had gone up and back the GPS showed 2.61 miles. It was right on in between mile markers but might have been slightly off in the section that went under the overpass. The GPS signal was more than likely interrupted but who's counting.

Oh, I am. ;-)

So 2 miles between markers and .3 in the first section going out and the last section coming back in.

For now I will just accept that 2.61 is the best I can get short of taking a wheel over the course.

First loop was 26:49 and the second was 22:48.

With any extra running I did in between or after, the total was 58 minutes.

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