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Sunday, November 01, 2015


Tuesday: Ran true MAFEVA today. Started out very slowly ( MAF ) and gradually worked into EVA. Lazy but felt good. My buddy who had a minor groin pull told me he couldn't run so he was gonna walk. 

Well, we started together, he walking, me running, and we were shoulder to shoulder. So he tried running at 14 minutes a mile ( YES! ) and felt no pain. After about 20 minutes we were in the 11's and gradually worked into the tens. 

We ended up going 70 minutes.

Thursday: 65 naked minutes. Naked referring to sans HRM. Did a double BB Farm loop out and back. First loop with Lucy. Second by myself. Flying to Scottsdale in several hours.

Friday: Scottsdale. Had every intention of walking but after 5 minutes of that I started to run and pretty much hit the bricks for the next 65 minutes. So back to back runs, no HRM and I felt good. However on Saturday I walked for an hour so that I recovered

Sunday: Decided to run when we got back home. I went out around 1 pm and put in 50 minutes of 140-150 work. Warmish for a guy who runs early, but only in the 70's. I ran down to the Blackberry Farm Trail, repeated the course four times and then ran back to the house.

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