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Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Back to Forbes Mill

I ran at Forbes this morning. I was sans Jake who is embedded in the mysticism of  high school XC.

Anyway, a beautiful morning and a pretty empty trail all in all. There were a few runners and a few walkers and fewer dogs.

Ran the usual loop plus the trail to the left and a measured run over to Los Gatos Track and back. It's .6 which is what we thought. So now I have a 5K measured out.

The high school is tearing down the stands next to the track. God knows how long those have been up there. Certainly they are the same ones I inhabited back in 1978 when I was running PR's. But my 9:44 two mile is long forgotten by everyone but me.

Including the run around my neighborhood, I covered 70 minutes. Thought about 75 but decided that I was ending on a medium note versus a high note.

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