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Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I ran 7 miles Monday morning just beating the rain. I was hoping to out again at noon but it was pouring and I felt myself drawn to staying inside in a very dry place. In this case my office. Of course I felt like a coward for not going out byt part of me, deep inside knew that it would make no difference whether I stayed or went. So I stayed (dry).

Wednesday (today) I ran an easy 4 miles in the morning in the drizzle and another 6 plus miles in the late afternoon with my club. I was dragging from a poor night's sleep.

Overall, I seem to have lost some headway in my comeback plan. The weather and work is getting to me. Zippy's is two and half weeks away. A month ago I would have said I was ready but I seem to be losing momentum. Climbing the ladder each week on Wednesday's helped to focus me but I broke the string with my cold and now I am just trying to land the plane and have a decent race. Down deep I know the fault lies within myself. Down deep I will have to pull myself out of this funk.

"We have not journeyed across the centuries, across the oceans, across the mountains, across the prairies, because we are made of sugar candy."

Churchill, 1941

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