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Friday, March 30, 2007

Got Better AS I Ran

I woke up feeling out of it this morning. Not sick. Just sort of in need of large amounts of coffee.
The weather was/is incredible and while slothed around to about 10 AM, I finally went out just to see if i could run. I figured if I didn't feel that peppy that I would turn back and call it a day. The longer I was though, the better I felt (I kept my HR around 130) and by 5 miles I just so happened to be swinging by De Anza College and decided to cut over to the track and run 3 x 500. The first one was 1:58, the second 1:50 and last 1:49. I then jogged a very easy ten minutes back home. The whole thing may have been 7 miles. So a very Van Aaken workout.

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