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Sunday, April 29, 2007

37 Miles

8 + 10 + 7 + 7 + 5 = 37

Thirty seven miles for the past week! Who would have ever thunk it. It is my highest in some time. I finished off the week running 5 easy miles today. My HR stayed low throughout the run. Mostly in the high 120's and low 130's. I had no residual leg soreness.

My goal is to get into the 35-40 mpw range and stay there with a now and then down week to recover. I may go higher later on but right now just stabilizing in this range on 5 days a week training is a small but significant accomplishment.

The secret, so far, seems to be my willingness to run slow (very slow) on my easy days. That and not working too hard at consulting. I am just more relaxed.

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