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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hammering Who?

The generals are all coming to the same conclusion. If we invade and are successful, do we want our present leader to be the winner???? He has shown little or no capability in this area and if expand our territory three X, is he the guy we want to rule us?

Probably not.

I think the enemy are willing to let us walk in and take over as long as they have a say as to who our eventual ruler is if things begin to fall apart.

We all seem to get it except our leader and his most trusted advisor (he who shall be unnamed).

I have drawn off into the desert on the right flank, staying in loose communication with GHQ but contenting myself with a diminished role for now. If I get restless we conduct a raid and blow up some track. Nothing too dangerous. Trying to avoid inactivity and rust. I am fighting a very small war. A side show of a side show. I am out of touch with most of the generals except my own.

For now I have told Allenby that this is not a good time to keep saying "Hammer them, Harry! Hammer them!"

Hammer who?

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