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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Tempo Day

This morning was TEMPO DAY for Tom, Danny and I. We ran 8 x .33 around the tennis courts.

After a twenty minute easy jog we got off to a sleepy start with a 2:30. After that we gradually cranked it down to the low 2:20's finishing up with a 2:17. I stayed in target HR which is still 168-172. It was on the warm side ( but not hot ) so I had lay off slightly to avoid cardiac creep. We averaged 2:24 which is a blazing 7:16 pace. Age graded it's 5:18 which, like last week is fast for an AT workout.

Tom, who is getting back in shape, ran 2:30 average which is still fast.

We're all traveling on and off over the next few weeks ( all of us are MIA next Thursday ) but we will rendezvous back Thursday July 3rd and resume the next tempo workout.

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