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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Cheetah leaving by the exit

I seem to be going down fighting. @Work that is. I told my boss how I feel about Pit Bull while I counter her hammer like chess moves with my own indirect, counter moves. I stopped her cold on one of her unwanted and pointless campaigns. She doesn't even realize that I was coaching the other side. It was easy to outwit her.

But I am going to be gone in less than 3 weeks and time will run out. So in the end I get to be Cassandra and warn those dwindling few who will listen that HR is headed for a fall.

Really, what am I accomplishing?

One friend told me that I was going out like a tiger.

"Nope, I am a Cheetah," I said. "We can't climb trees."

I think I just need to go out quietly. My agitation tells me that I am running on empty. I will embrace the void. The outside of work life.

This will be me in March.....

Cheetah Londolosi Cheetah - Robert Bateman Big Cats - Londolosi Cheetah Art by Robert Bateman.

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