Went to Forbes and slow trotted at 26:37 something first loop. This was good because neither Jake and I had what could be called high energy. On the second loop we took off faster and quickly caught up to some 60 plus guy named Gary who was running with two attractive, leggy middle-aged women (the troika) who turned out to be ultra runners. We must have looked like beta males because outside of a few cursory words, the "girls" seemed engrossed in their conversation and not being friendly to us.
Jake dropped back as the pace quickened a bit and I ran about 10 yards back of the troika reaching the turn around in 11:19. That was a big surprise. We didn't kill ourselves going back down but still ran in the low 22's. Not too bad for a dieting, calorie-starved runner.
If I include all the running I did, it totaled around 55 minutes.