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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

77 minutes

I got out really early (for me that is).

8 am.  Gasp!

I ran around town at my usual snail mail clip covering 77 minutes in all. The spark plugs weren't firing on all piston but there were times where I felt I could have picked it up (but didn't). Mostly I slow putt, motoring along like a low powered scooter. I ran up the RR tracks to the college and ran super loops for what seemed liked forever.

I did a quick change and headed over to coach jumps at Lynbrook. Kids seemed either injured or at very low energy. I decided not to roust them.

Jake told me that Ray feels that he pushes the kids too hard. I told Jake that IMHO he is coaching like this is a NCAA division I program and Ray and I coach like it's high school.

We both laughed.

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