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Friday, July 08, 2011

60 minutes early

I had a 9 am breakfast scheduled so I got out early and ran an easy 60 minutes.  I went over to the college to see if anyone had torn up the track yet but the answer was nada. It looked the same as always.

I threw in four repeats on par course hill. I don't charge them. I just pick up the pace slightly and run for about 8 seconds. Maybe 40 yards.

Since I don't do plyometrics or weights this may the closest I get to something that is supposed to make my legs "younger".

The two things aging runners can do something about is stride and weight. Running is strength building in of itself. Hill repeats or just running longer hills can lengthen the stride.

Keeping your weight under control is the other big issue. Aging runners seem to gain about 5-8 pounds (I know I have). My body used to want to be around 135-140 lbs and these days it seems to want to be 140-145.

Of course lifting weights is good too but making that an end product detracts from the energy you'll have for running. I prefer pushups when I remember to do them.

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