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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Moving On Day

The sun at last! Beautiful day.

I ran twice yesterday (Monday). 6 miles in the morning and 4 at lunch. I kept my HR down under 140 on both runs. The goal is just to recover and move on. My legs felt OK but I was running about as slow I could imagine. I could have easily broken into a walk at any moment. I looked around. Not many runners my age out there. What happens to us? To top that, no one who looked 70. I guess I have that to look forward to. We become walkers. I hope not. I at least hope to follow Keston, Foster and Turnbull and run 2-3 big days a week.

Of course like always, I had trouble getting out of work to run at lunch.

Oh Rich, do you have a moment?

Oh Rich, are you leaving?

People asking me to curtail my run. Well, not all. But it's the same old story. There are those who workout at lunch and those who pig out at lunch.

By the time I did get out I no longer had time for a 5-6 miler as planned. I hate rushing but I had to back for a 2 pm. So 4 miles it was. I got even by leaving at 5 pm today.

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