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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

No Country For Old Men..Again

I got up early and was out running before 8:30 AM (early for me). I dragged myself through 60 minutes of something, being very unmotivated and sluggish throughout.

Maybe it is the month I took off or maybe it is working too much but whatever it is my life is not set up for running. I know I have said that before but I simply feel out of sorts with the whole idea of running out the door.

Nick came by at 11 am and we drove up to AT&T Park to watch the Giants play nine innings of A-1 stink-o baseball. They lost 8-2 and it was never that close. The park, the weather, the garlic fries, they were all great so we just hung out and enjoyed the sunshine, the half filled stadium and the whole experience of just being off work. We sat in the mezzanine which meant less crowded bathrooms and access to food. Also what a difference to the last time I was there when Rick got drunk and started yelling at me because I was booing the then, 2002 pennant winning Giants who were dropping a game to the Angels. I can remember that game because Rick spent most of the game playing corporate kissy face with some work guys that were sitting next to him.

Two guys in the row just in back of us alternately booed and cheered loudly. Remembering the Rick incident, I laughed and high-fived them.

Bottom line. Choose carefully who you go to a game with. Nick was a great gamer today. We both enjoyed just being there.

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