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Friday, December 05, 2008

Galloway Was Right

Galloway was right about older runners.

As you age you need less running days.

You need to take walking breaks in your daily running.

It helps to run slow. As slow as you can stand it and then some.

Gliders (or striders) are essential to keep up leg speed or turnover.

I watch my buddy Jake trying to run every day and how he bonks. His legs go dead on him. There is a day where all that stuff doesn't work. Jimbo can do it because he took much of his 50's off from running. He recovered. But for those of us who spent 40 years doing this, well the great days are over. We can stay in the game (maybe) but we need more rest and we need to put our ego's aside and just run slower. That is the price of continuing to run. Somewhere out there is an end day (the day where we stop running) so every day we can run is a gift.

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