I ran a test course at around noon today. The course is from my house, up the railroad tracks, down McClellan to the college and onto the track. I then do 4 big loops around the track and come home the same way I went out.
I don't know the distance.
My educated guess is around 4 miles. It's OK if it's not. Right now I don't care. The purpose of the course is not the distance but rather the average HR and time.
My goal today was to run it at 148-152 HR or 70%. The elapsed time today was 38:03.
I start out quickly which is relative for a
guy bearing down on 65 years old. I try to get my HR up in my target range as quickly as possible and then try to stay there for the rest of the run. The painful part is having to slow down to stay down under 152.
My goal is to run the course once a week. Every now and then I will run it at 158-160 HR or roughly 75%.
If the times come down for both the 70 and 75% test efforts then whatever I am doing is working. If it gets slower then I am blowing it.
My focus for 2010 is no longer going to be to see how fast I can at the top end. I enjoyed the workouts last but my right
achilles and calf started to come apart.
Now my focus
{{{the new focus}}} will be to see if I can improve at 70%, 75% and 90% efforts.
I might run a 70 & 75% effort weekly but the 90%'
ers will be about once every 3rd or 4
th week.