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Saturday, September 03, 2011

Back to classic lacing

I halfway thought about doing reps this morning but decided to hold off. My right ankle has been bothering me for several weeks and I think I finally figured out what the problem is. I wrote a post sometime back about changing my method of lacing my shoes. The new way may not be offering me the support I need. Not absolutely sure but I switched back today to the classic lacing pattern and ran 60 slow minutes. I also taped my ankle to give it extra support.  I was happy to see that the pain had disappeared (I think). No problems. So tomorrow I'll do some sort of progressive workout to test things out.

Dave Garcia was in town so I ran with him and Danny while the club slugged it out on the short six course. Toughest course we have. 5.74 miles with some runnable but challenging hills. One friend recommended that we run it slow and easy. I told him there is no slow and easy on short six.

Short Six

Jake joined us at breakfast so all we were missing was John and the dynamic quartet would have been back in business.

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