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Saturday, March 31, 2012

No Running

Something upset my stomach so I opted for the no running clause in my contract. It rained much of the day anyway. Windy too. I thought about going out several times but in the end I just sat down, watched some TV and did some work on my computer.

Launched my first ebook novel on Amazon-Kindle late this afternoon.

"Cold Warriors"

Working on my second book.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Further Again

Tom and I again today. We went out strong and kept moving throughout. Once again I kept the HRM up in the 65-70% range. The weather cooperated nicely. Cool and no wind. Different course today. Plenty of rolling hills. I figured it would slow us down but we did went a tenth and a half further than Tuesday. So FURTHER again.

70 minutes all told including my shake down run beforehand.

I seem to be recovering and getting stronger.

Hmmm. Let's see. No intervals.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012


The usual WVC Run. The usual time (morning).

Danny was gone to Santa Cruz so Tom and I got very business like and went off strong from the beginning. It was cool and overcast and so my HR stayed down in the high 130's and low 140's most of the run. It did edge up to 150 several times but that was usually the result of some ghastly hill section.

But we moved along cranking out slow miles but faster than normal slow. In 60 minutes, according to Tom's GPS, we covered a half mile further than our best run last week. Same heart rate, same duration. Just further.


Of course I am being a bit facetious but frankly the run felt great. It felt like sub 7's did years ago. But of course we were a good deal slower than that.

With my ten minute shake down run, I covered 70 minutes.

Breakfast afterward with Tom and Jake.

Maybe we can bottle further

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The speed is still there

I was luck today. The rain held off and I was able to get out in the late morning and run 60 minutes at a glacially slow pace. Finished off with 4 x 100 in 19-20 seconds with no strain. The speed is still there.

I wore my HRM but the pace was so slow that it was rarely above 120 bpm.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cold and windy

I drove over to WVC and ran various campus loops while the club ran  the tennis court loop (.66 miles)  as a relay. It was cold, windy and wet (really only drizzle).  Not wonderful conditions. I wanted to bail at 10 minutes but kept going until I had run 51 minutes. The last part of the run was a campus loop with Danielle, one of the runners I am coaching.

Injury update: My hammie and calf seem to be fine but I wore a Pro-Tec knee strap because my right knee has been sore. Strangely it does not bother me when I run so that is good. I feel it more around the house or walking.  I am sure a photo of this is already someplace in my blog. Every injury I get seems to be on my right side.