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Monday, April 16, 2007


I ran about 8 miles this morning. It was warmer than it has been in days and I wore shorts and a t-shirt. I ran the RR Tracks and found that the workers had releveled large sections making them runnable again. Kept my HR in the 140-150 range. I also kept my eyes on the turf not wanting to fall again but I never came close. Uneventuful run.

On the East Coast thousands were running the Boston Marathon in rain and wind. John Clary's son Ryan ran 5 hours and change. Deena Kastor, America's top woman marathoner wanted to send a message that she had arrived. Well, she arrived 5th woman but then the marathon is a tough mistress and you never know what you are going to get on a specific day.

A Kenyan won the men's and a Russian won the woman's race. American men were non evident but who said they had to be.

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