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Saturday, March 21, 2009

40 Minutes of Something

Life is piling up. At work, I have been made the Merger Czar for some potential acquisitions. Can't say much more than that. Hopefully we come out the winner in all of this Barbarians At The Gate episodic corporate game playing. I have been though a overly large number of these in the past. Few work out in the long run. But the grow or become irrelevant drums are beating hard. And my job is to focus on making the integration process work if one (or more) of these decides to become reality. If (it is a big "if")I also get the book deal my life will be a slag heap of work. Hell, if I don't get the deal it will be a slag heap.

Strange dream #2. I am in an auditorium listening to a speaker. There are many peple in the room sitting quietly listening to the guy behine the lenctern. Right Wing Republican is sitting one row in front of me raising his hand and waving it around trying to distract the speaker but no one seems to notice him. The speaker keeps on speaking and even though Right Wing draws a few looks basically folks ignore him. I wake up.

On the running front, I regained 40 minutes of something. In this case something was 40 minutes of 35-25's. I preceded this with 15 minutes of walking with Amber the wonder dog. Now am I sure that Brian will have me stay at 40 and close up the walking gaps with running until I can run 40 minutes with no problems.

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