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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Two Tired Runs

On Monday I was one tired mother. I kept my HR rate very low (130 and under) and worked my way through 70 minutes of slow running around Rainbow Park and Miller. I had little or no lift. I think it was a combo of not enough carbs (again!) and Saturday's rep workout. I have this habit of falling off the carb wagon and eating too much dead flesh. In this case steak (Saturday evening) and calamari (Sunday evening).

Wednesday wasn't a heck of a lot better. Another out of body drag-ass run. My HR grooved into the low 120's which was very unusual and stayed there until finally during the last 1/4th of the "experience" I upped the pace and drove my rate up into the mid to high 140's. I felt no worse running faster than slower. Go figure that out. Anyway, another 70 minutes. Jake saw me late in the run and told me afterward that I looked strong. He must have spotted me during the "highlight" ten minutes I was pushing the pace.

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