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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Back at it....

After taking 3 days off I finally went out Wednesday and ran a double workout. I ran 4 miles in the mid afternoon then drove up to the club workout and ran another 5 miles with 8 x 100 striders. I would not say that my legs felt rejuventated but they did feel more spunky than last Saturday.

Only a few people showed up for the workout. I guess this was mostly due to Valentines Day. I was off the hook because Sue had a medical procedure mid day and I promised I would fend for myself for dinner. She conked out and napped away most of the mid to late afternoon. I had covered the marriage bases though by buying her a quart of Chocolate Cookie Dough Ice Cream. She had gotten mne gigantic slab of Hershey's Chocolate. So there are fatty calories waiting silently, in our home, for us to consume them.

My ITB bothered me after the run so I went after it with Advil, Ice and more Advil.

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